
Bow Down

"Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow..."
Philippians 2:9-10

When you read the above passage, do you only picture people bowing to the name of Jesus? Always remember, as things are in the natural, it can also happen in the supernatural.

The verse above mentions Jesus' name being above every name. When we hear a name, whether it is a person's name or a scientific name, we can identify who or what it is. In the natural, we can easily picture an image of individuals bowing to the name of Jesus, but what about the name of: infections, pain, diseases, or any other illnesses that exist?

Well, thank God for Jesus! Because, any name that pertains to all pain, sickness, or diseases all know the power of Jesus' name! If pain or sickness tries to come upon you, speak with authority and tell that name to flee in in Jesus' name!

As Jesus is in heaven, so are we (those who are in Christ) here on earth. Jesus is NOT in heaven complaining about having high blood pressure, diabetes, or any other diseases. Jesus did not just die for you, He died as YOU.

There are no limits to what He has already done for you and your family. Rest in His love for you. Declare over yourselves, "I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!" Continue to...